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5 Things That Need to be On Your RV Camping Checklist

Summer is well on it’s way and camping season is in full swing. When enjoying camping for the rest of the season, you want to be sure to have an RV camping checklist so that you don’t forget any essential items that you will need when going off grid.

Here are few things you should include on your RV camping checklist.

  • Extension cords. These are essential to your checklist, from outdoor lighting to entertainment there are going to be many things you are going to need an extension cord for.
  • Games are something you are going to want on your RV camping checklist. Sometimes when it’s raining, or you just want to enjoy a nice quiet evening, you can get some games to play with your loved ones to help you pass the time and relax. There are many great board or card games you can get that will be fun for the whole family.
  • When preparing your RV camping checklist make sure safety items are included. One of those items you want to make sure is on your list is a fire extinguisher. Nothing says camping like a camp fire and a great way to do that safely is to make sure you have an extinguisher to help you should that fire get too big. Another reason this is a great item is because cooking in an RV is cramped and accidents do happen.
  • A water canister is very important when going outdoors. You more than likely will go hiking or take part in other outdoor activities. You must make sure to stay hydrated, especially on those hot summer days. Make sure when preparing your RV camping checklist that you include a water canister.
  • A first aid kit. Anything can happen at anytime and you want to be prepared. Make sure you have a fully stocked first aid kit that includes all the essential items to contain an emergency until you can get medical attention. It’s always best to prepare for the worst but expect the best. Be sure a first aid kit is on your RV camping checklist so that you are always prepared.

Camping is one of the best ways to enjoy the summer. RV camping allows you to do that in comfort and provide you a home away from home. When heading out into nature, you want to do so with ease of mind. Be sure to come down to Edmonton RV and let our specialists help you choose all the essential items you should have on your RV camping checklist this summer.