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Winterize Your RV or Learn to RV in the Winter?

As the temperatures plummet you realize RV season has passed. It is now time to pack it in and winterize your RV. Or is it? If you are planning to do some winter camping, there are a few things you will need to do to prepare your RV for some fun in the snow.

Check out these tips to get your RV ready for winter camping:

  • Add insulation to your windows, doorways and stairs. There is a lot of cold air that can come in through these areas so it’s a good idea to cover them. Put plastic on your windows, add insulation to your doorway and stairwell. This can really make a difference in how comfortable your RV feels in cold weather.
  • If you are planning to be out a lot in the winter, especially when the temperatures get to extreme cold, you want to skirt your RV. Most RV’s are not made for the cold weather, so if you are going to winterize your RV for winter camping, you’ll want to look into skirting it.
  • Electricity can get very expensive, so if you are going to winterize your RV for usage over the winter, you will want an inexpensive way to heat it. There are two great options you can look into. You can get a propane heater or a pellet stove. Both will keep the inside of your RV toasty warm without draining your wallet.
  • The hoses on your RV are not made for the cold weather. Part of the process to winterize your RV will be to make sure the pipes don’t freeze. To prepare for this, it’s a good idea to invest in a good heated hose. You can make your own with insulation, but it is suggested you just purchase one to avoid freezing.
  • Don’t leave your water hose plugged in during the cold snaps. All water hoses will freeze, so it’s a good idea to always disconnect yours and keep a spare on hand.
  • Another good idea when you winterize your RV is to invest in tire chains. The tires on the RV aren’t made for frozen, snow covered roads. These chains will help you keep moving along.
  • Make sure to top up your antifreeze. Even if you just store your RV for the winter months, you want to replace all water with anti freeze to avoid any issues related to freezing in your pipes.

Whether you are planning on using your RV or storing it away for the winter months, it is a good idea to always winterize your RV accordingly. Stop by or give us a call before you winterize your RV, so that you can get the latest tips and tricks.