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As well-equipped as motorhomes and RVs are, there are always things you wish you had on hand once you’re set up at your camp site. The problem is, with so many incredible choices, how do you know where to begin? This handy list of five must-have motorhome parts and accessories contains items you may not have thought of, but will be really happy you have when you need them.

1. Twist-On Waste Valve

One of the more essential motorhome parts and accessories, the valve on your waste tank is designed so it won’t freeze up in winter, but this makes for a messy endeavour when you’re connecting your hose for emptying. A twist-on waste valve by Valterra makes this task easier and helps prevent leakage when removing the caps.

2. Adjustable Water Regulator

Some parks have intense water pressure and the last thing you want to experience while enjoying your motorhome are hose blowouts or pipe bursts. With an adjustable water pressure regulator, you can protect your RVs internal plumbing and enjoy worry-free water usage.

3. Vent Covers

It’s almost inevitable that if you plan a camping trip, you’ll experience rain. With good roof top vent covers, you can enjoy fresh air in your motorhome without water damage. There’s not much worse when you’re confined indoors than the stale air that builds up quickly if you have to close your vents because of rain.

4. Portable Solar Charging Kit

As far as motorhome parts and accessories go, a portable solar charging kit is essential. With so many devices dependent on battery power, invest in a solar charging kit that you can easily set up and take advantage of the sun’s power. Many kits come equipped with USB inputs that will make your kids very happy!

5. Folding Chairs

While you may not think of chairs when you’re thinking of motorhome parts and accessories, you’ll be glad you did when people stop by to socialize. A few extra good quality folding chairs that take up little space will go a long way to making those campfire congregations more comfortable!

Whether you are a seasoned pro or a beginner RVer, these five must-have motorhome parts and accessories will make your trip easier and let you enjoy your time more. Visit Edmonton RV Service today and let us help you prepare for your best camping trip ever!

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