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RV Parts and Accessories that Make Winter Camping Cozier

You’re thinking about extending your camping season into the winter. However, winter
camping is no joke, and you need to know exactly what you are doing to be successful.
That being said, some people really enjoy winter camping despite the weather.

If you are planning on going winter camping, there are some RV parts and accessories you
are going to want that will make your winter camping experience cozier! When done right,
winter camping can be majestic and an experience of a lifetime. Visit us today for all the
RV parts and accessories you need!

RV Parts and Accessories for Winter Camping

To be successful, you need to make sure your RV is equipped for the cold harsh weather
that comes in the winter months. These RV parts and accessories will help you be
comfortable and successful on your camping trip.


Good skirting for your RV is a must-have. Decide how much you will be moving your RV
during the winter to help you narrow down what kind of skirting you need. Pro tip: pile
snow around the skirting to provide additional insulation.


You need to insulate your RV as much as possible. Purchasing cold weather caulking as
well as heavy-duty curtains for at night. During the day, to enjoy the view, use clear plastic
shrink insulation that will give you a clear view and keep the cold out. Don’t forget to
insulate the vents as well.

Space Heater

Regardless of the furnace you have in your RV, a good, safe space heater will be a need.
RVs aren’t particularly known for being warm in the winter, so do not rely solely on the
furnace for heat. Get a heater that is at least 4000-9000 BTU.

AC Unit Cover

Make sure that when you are winter camping you protect your AC unit. You will want it
working when you go camping in the summer, so make sure to get a good cover that will
protect it from the elements. A cover with a drawcord will be a better fit for your AC unit.


Getting RV-ready anti-freeze will save you time and effort as you don’t have to dilute it. A
good non-toxic form of anti-freeze will also protect your kids and your pets from getting
sick. Make sure to get one that is good up to -50C so that your pipes and tank do not


It is a good idea to put rugs in your RV if you don’t already have some. These will help to
keep the floor insulated. Another good idea is to buy a rug pad for underneath the rugs to
help provide additional padding and insulation so that your feet stay warm.

Going Winter Camping?

Whether you are an experienced winter camper or not, you could always use some good
advice from a professional. Come talk to us at Edmonton RV, we can help you decided
which RV parts and accessories you need.  We are always ready and willing to help you
have a successful camping trip, no matter what season.

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